Therapeutic Guidelines

About Therapeutic Guidelines

Therapeutic Guidelines (formerly eTG Complete) is an Australian digital resource, covering disease-oriented guidelines for prescribing and giving therapy. It is a collection of 2,500 clinical topics and 3,500 drug recommendations that are independent of government and the pharmaceutical industry.
Product resources include:


Therapeutic Guidelines is available to:

How to Access

Therapeutic Guidelines is is available online, and via the Therapeutic Guidelines mobile app.

Accessing Therapeutic Guidelines from a personal device remotely (e.g. from home) will prompt you to login using your ACT Government login.

Mobile App

Applying for a new token

  1. Visit Request a Token* (using this link)
  2. Complete the form using your email address
  3. An email with your institutional token will be sent to your registered email address.

A limit of one token per person applies.

*Access from a personal device outside the ACT Government network will prompt you to login using your ACT Government login.

Installing the app

  1. Go to the App Store for iPhone, or Google Play for Android devices
  2. Download the Therapeutic Guidelines app
  3. Open the app and select Institutional user login
  4. Enter your email address and Therapeutic Guidelines token sent to your email address.

Once logged in, Therapeutic Guidelines content can be downloaded to your device by clicking on the cloud icon on the homepage of the app. This allows the app to be used offline. When reconnected to the internet, you will again see a cloud icon if there have been any updates in the interim and will be prompted to update.

Renewing a token

If you've previously registered for the Therapeutic Guidelines app, you will be prompted annually to renew your token. When prompted to renew your token:

  1. Visit Renew a Token* (using this link)
  2. Follow the prompt to enter the email address your previous token was registered to. Hint: use the address the renewal email was sent to
  3. Click Submit to receive the new token via email
  4. Open the app and select Institutional user login
  5. Enter your new app token.

*Access from a personal device outside the ACT Government network will prompt you to login using your ACT Government login.

Content updates

You will be prompted to update content several times per year. When Therapeutic Guidelines gets updated, a cloud icon will appear to indicate new content is available for download. To update content, tap the cloud icon on the app homepage.

If using the app offline, when reconnected to the internet you will again see a cloud icon if there have been any updates in the interim and you will be prompted to update.


I'm getting the error "This token is no longer assigned to you" on the app

This issue is caused when an old/expired token is used to log into a new installation of the TG app. This issue most commonly occurs when the TG app is reinstalled on an existing or new device.

Contact Therapeutic Guidelines Support to request a new app token be associated with your registered email address. Alternatively, contact the Library during business hours for assistance.

Internet Explorer 11

Starting June 15, 2022, the Internet Explorer 11 desktop application will no longer be supported by Microsoft on certain versions of Windows 10.

Future functionality of Library's products therefore cannot  be assured for users of Internet Explorer 11. To ensure optimal product performance please use supported browsers, including Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox.


For further assistance: